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[biosensis] TrpV1 Antibody: Illuminating Nociceptive Signalling Pathways

관리자 2023.06.09 11:26 조회 709 추천 7

TrpV1 Antibody: Illuminating Nociceptive Signalling Pathways

Our TrpV1 antibodies ensure exquisite specificity for TrpV1/Capsaicin receptor protein—this vital receptor is just one critical player involved in our nociceptive sensory systems within the brain and beyond.

Versatile applications


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 M-1714-100The TrpV1 expressed by flow cytometry (bottom, left), detected using TrpV1 antibody by Western blotting (bottom, right), and visualized by immunohistochemical staining of pseudounipolar ganglion cells of rat DRG (top).  [Immunohistochemistry generously provided by Dr. Szabolcs Takács & Dr. Erik Hrabovszky, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary].

Journal-approved excellence: Our validated antibodies in the spotlight

Biosensis is a company that is passionate about Science



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