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[Alomone Labs] Pain Research | Budget Friendly DRG Marker Antibody Kit

관리자 2019.07.29 19:35 조회 3381 추천 31
Pain-Related DRG Marker Antibody Kit
Looking to explore new and diverse tools? We've made it easier - and much more budget friendly - to achieve your goals.
Try Alomone Labs Explorer Kits today. Ideal for sampling or screening.


Pain-Related DRG Marker Antibody Kit (#AK-550):


Product applications:

Expression of NaV1.7 in mouse DRGs:
Adapted from Feng, B. et al. (2015) J. Neurophysiol. 113, 2618. with permission of The American Physiological Society.
Expression of TRPV1 in mouse DRGs:
Adapted from Lin, J.G. et al. (2015) PLoS ONE 10, e0128037. with permission of PLoS.


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