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[biosensis] AGRP: Crack the Code of Cravings

관리자 2023.08.17 10:14 조회 501 추천 0

AGRP: Crack the Code of Cravings

Biosensis' AGRP antibody is useful in investigating the complex mechanisms 

of appetite regulation and energy balance.

Our Antibody Illuminates through IHC


Immunohistochemical detection of agouti-related protein (AGRP) in frozen cryostat section of the sheep hypothalamus using the Guinea pig polyclonal antibody to mouse AGRP (GP-029-50) followed by incubation with biotinylated secondary antibodies. Cell bodies and nerve terminals in the sheep brain are intensely stained.


Immunohistochemical detection of agouti-related protein (AGRP) synthesizing neurons in the human infundibular nucleus using the GP-029-50 primary antibody followed by its visualization with the biotinylated secondary antibody-ABC method and nickel-diaminobenzidine chromogen.

Immunohistochemistry generously provided by Dr. Erik Hrabovszky, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary


Biosensis is a company that is passionate about Science



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